-Aztec poem to the Corn Mother
Enviado por Athamis Barbara
When most pagans or people in general hear of the Corn Mother, They automatically conjure up the image
of a Native American Mother Earth. However, the Corn Mother is also known throughout the world with either
the same name (in a different language)or with a different name. Ancient traditions used corn dollies to
represent the Corn Mother as a means of honoring her. In Germany , it is said when the Corn stalks blow,
the Corn Mother is running through the fields.
She is known by names such as:Demeter, Persephone, Cerridwen, Bride/Bridget, The Callieach (Old Wife),
The Corn Maiden. Mother Corn, The First Mother, Selu and Kahesana Xaskwim.
Her stories throughout the World:
In one Corn Mother tale of the Cherokee Tribe, The Corn Mother, Selu, gave birth to two sons who were always hungry.
She told her sons she would go find food and she returned very quickly with a basket full of corn. She continued to do this every day, leaving to find food, and returning shortly,
with a full basket of corn. Her sons were very curious and mischievous, so one day they decided to follow her and find out where she was getting the corn.
They followed her to a small hut, and peeped through the gaps in the logs to see what she was doing. Inside the hut, the Mother set down her basket and squatted above it,
filling it with corn. That night after dinner, the boys told their mother that they had followed her and knew where she was getting the corn.
Sadly, the Corn Mother told her children that now that they knew her secret, she would have to die.
She told them that after her death, they must drag her body through the field, then corn would grow.
She also warned them that from then on, they would have to work for their food. Then, she lay down and died.
Another Cherokee Tale:
The Corn Woman is a spirit that is sent down from heaven every year to come and walk in the fields of the Cherokee. And when she walked in the fields the corn began to grow tall and beautiful.
One year they planted their corn and had gone out to watch it come up, but it didn’t come. So they waited a week, and then two weeks, and it still hadn't come up. They then prayed to the Great Spirit and asked where the Corn Woman Spirit was. And he said that he had sent her down two weeks before. Corn Woman was missing. And so the people began to look. They looked all over the earth (known to them at that time,) and they still couldn't find her.
So they began to ask the animal kingdom if they would help search for her. The kingdom agreed and the animals began searching for this beautiful Corn Woman Spirit. Then a raven dived down into a dark cave and looked for her. He found her in the bottom of the cave, all tied up. She was captured as a prisoner of the evil spirit Hunger. Hunger was dancing around her and laughing, knowing very well that if she didn't get out, that the Cherokee people would starve the coming winter.
So raven went back and reported to the people that he had found the Corn Woman Spirit. And they told the raven that only he and his family could get her free. They told him to go down into the cave and perch on the ledges to hide from the evil spirit. He did just that. He took all of his brothers and sisters into the cave, (as they were so black they couldn't be seen by the evil spirits,) and they perched on the ledges and the rocks.
When the signal was given they all leaped down and pecked the evil spirit and made such terrible noises that they frightened him out into the sunlight. And like most evil, when he hit the sunlight he melted away and disappeared.
They freed the Corn Woman Spirit with their big strong beaks, and when she walked out into the sunlight the corn of the Cherokees began to grow. From that day forward, the Great Spirit in the heavens would not let her come down in person. And so it is today.
Corn Woman brings her love for you in the form of food to tell you it is time to nourish yourself.
This ritual can be performed anywhere at any time. You need some supplies, ingredients, a good appetite and good intent!
Nourishment Ritual:
Creating: homemade Chicken (or veggie) soup
-Celery, chopped
-canned peas (1)
-Canned corn (1)
- Fresh baby carrots
- ½ Vidalia onion
-1 free-range chicken
- Small red potatoes
- 3 cans chicken broth
-5 cubes chicken bullion
- 2 Cans full of water
- Olive Oil
- Mushrooms, chopped
-Italian seasoning
Not all is mandatory. Put in what you like, take out what you don't!
Supplies: (not mandatory)
Rose oil (or tea tree, sage, lavender, or a plain lemon)
Picture/statue of Corn Woman (or aspect of corn woman)
Candle in a protective jar (any color, her colors are all of the rainbow!)
Stand in the middle of kitchen- Set good intent for the ritual and food you are about to prepare.
Begin to meditate on the vision of the Great Goddess/ Corn Woman.
Rub down counters with oil purifying sacred space.
Light candle and/or incense.
Place image of Mother near candle.
Wash chicken and put it into Soup pot with a small amount of olive oil.
Turn stove on.
Wash the food that needs to be washed.
Place it all in front of you.
Think of the Mother and give her thanks.
Ask that this food nourish all who eats it, and that it may be as delicious and comforting as it sounds!
Place in chicken broth, bullion cubes, and 2 cans of water immediately after short blessing.
Chop up veggies (all the while, being in a meditative state)
Place all ingredients into pot with seasonings.
Add more of whatever is needed to create desired taste.
Leave in pot on Medium for about 2 hours.
Thank Corn Mother for help in preparation.
And before you eat, thank her for her bounty.
Then sit down and enjoy!
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